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Lesson 2 – Mastering Spanish Phrases and Words for Numbers, Time, Days, and Weather

Essential Spanish Phrases to Start Speaking with Confidence

Lesson 2: Mastering Spanish Phrases and Words for Numbers, Time, Days, and Weather


Welcome to the second lesson of your Spanish course. Building on the foundational Spanish phrases from Lesson 1, we’ll now dive into important Spanish words and phrases that you’ll use frequently. In this lesson, you’ll learn how to express numbers, tell time, name the days of the week and months of the year, and talk about the seasons and weather. These Spanish phrases and words are essential for everyday communication and will significantly enhance your ability to interact in Spanish.

Spanish Numbers

Numbers are a fundamental part of any language. Whether you’re discussing quantities, telling time, or sharing personal information, knowing your numbers is crucial. Here’s a breakdown of key Spanish words for numbers, along with their English translations.

Basic Spanish Numbers (0-20)

  • Uno – One (1)
  • Dos – Two (2)
  • Tres – Three (3)
  • Cuatro – Four (4)
  • Cinco – Five (5)
  • Seis – Six (6)
  • Siete – Seven (7)
  • Ocho – Eight (8)
  • Nueve – Nine (9)
  • Diez – Ten (10)
  • Once – Eleven (11)
  • Doce – Twelve (12)
  • Trece – Thirteen (13)
  • Catorce – Fourteen (14)
  • Quince – Fifteen (15)
  • Dieciséis – Sixteen (16)
  • Diecisiete – Seventeen (17)
  • Dieciocho – Eighteen (18)
  • Diecinueve – Nineteen (19)
  • Veinte – Twenty (20)

Spanish Numbers from 21 to 100

  • Veintiuno – Twenty-one (21)
  • Treinta – Thirty (30)
  • Cuarenta – Forty (40)
  • Cincuenta – Fifty (50)
  • Sesenta – Sixty (60)
  • Setenta – Seventy (70)
  • Ochenta – Eighty (80)
  • Noventa – Ninety (90)
  • Cien – One hundred (100)

Spanish Numbers from 100 to 1,000

  • Doscientos – Two hundred (200)
  • Trescientos – Three hundred (300)
  • Cuatrocientos – Four hundred (400)
  • Quinientos – Five hundred (500)
  • Seiscientos – Six hundred (600)
  • Setecientos – Seven hundred (700)
  • Ochocientos – Eight hundred (800)
  • Novecientos – Nine hundred (900)
  • Mil – One thousand (1,000)

Phrases for Telling Time

Knowing how to tell time is an essential skill, and learning the relevant Spanish phrases will help you stay on schedule while communicating in Spanish. Below are key Spanish phrases for telling time, along with their English equivalents.

  • ¿Qué hora es? – What time is it?
  • No tengo reloj. – I don’t have a watch.
  • Son las doce en punto. – It’s twelve o’clock.
  • Es la una y cinco. – It’s five past one.
  • Son las seis y media. – It’s half past six.
  • Son veinte para las ocho. – It’s twenty to eight.
  • Son las tres de la tarde. – It’s 15:00.
  • Son las cinco menos diez. – It’s 16:50.

These Spanish words and phrases will help you understand and express time accurately in a variety of situations.

Days of the Week: Essential Spanish Words

Understanding the days of the week is critical for scheduling and making plans. Here are the Spanish words for each day of the week:

  • Lunes – Monday
  • Martes – Tuesday
  • Miércoles – Wednesday
  • Jueves – Thursday
  • Viernes – Friday
  • Sábado – Saturday
  • Domingo – Sunday

Using these Spanish words, you can easily organize your week and discuss plans with others.

Months of the Year: Important Words

Knowing the months of the year is essential for discussing dates, birthdays, and events. Here’s how to say each month in Spanish:

  • Enero – January
  • Febrero – February
  • Marzo – March
  • Abril – April
  • Mayo – May
  • Junio – June
  • Julio – July
  • Agosto – August
  • Septiembre – September
  • Octubre – October
  • Noviembre – November
  • Diciembre – December

These Spanish words will help you communicate effectively about time, whether you’re planning ahead or reminiscing about past events.

Seasons and Weather: Phrases You Need to Know

Understanding the seasons is important for discussing weather, travel plans, and annual events. Here are the Spanish words for each season:

  • Invierno – Winter
  • Primavera – Spring
  • Verano – Summer
  • Otoño – Autumn

These Spanish phrases are useful when talking about climate and activities related to different times of the year.

Weather Vocabulary in Spanish

Discussing the weather is a common topic of conversation, and knowing these Spanish phrases will help you describe various weather conditions:

  • Está despejado. – It’s clear.
  • Está nublado. – It’s cloudy.
  • Está lloviendo. – It’s raining.
  • Está nevando. – It’s snowing.
  • Hace calor. – It’s hot.
  • Hace frío. – It’s cold.
  • Hay un vendaval. – There’s a windstorm.
  • ¿Qué tiempo hace? – What’s the weather like?

These Spanish words and phrases will allow you to engage in conversations about the weather, an essential skill for everyday interactions.

Dialogue: A Conversation Between Friends

María: ¡Hola, Carlos! ¿Cómo estás?
María: Hi, Carlos! How are you?

Carlos: Hola, María. Estoy bien, gracias. ¿Qué día es hoy?
Carlos: Hi, María. I’m good, thanks. What day is it today?

María: Hoy es miércoles, 15 de marzo.
María: Today is Wednesday, March 15th.

Carlos: ¿A qué hora empieza la reunión?
Carlos: What time does the meeting start?

María: La reunión empieza a las tres de la tarde.
María: The meeting starts at 3:00 PM.

Carlos: ¡Perfecto! Tengo que salir a las dos y media para llegar a tiempo.
Carlos: Perfect! I need to leave at 2:30 to arrive on time.

María: Sí, y parece que el clima estará bien. Hoy está despejado, sin lluvia.
María: Yes, and it seems the weather will be nice. It’s clear today, no rain.

Carlos: ¡Qué bien! No me gusta cuando está lloviendo.
Carlos: That’s great! I don’t like it when it’s raining.

María: A mí tampoco. ¿Sabías que este viernes es 17 de marzo? Es el Día de San Patricio.
María: Me neither. Did you know this Friday is March 17th? It’s St. Patrick’s Day.

Carlos: ¡Cierto! Y la primavera comienza en pocos días, el 20 de marzo.
Carlos: That’s right! And spring starts in a few days, on March 20th.

María: ¡Ya quiero que llegue el verano! Hace calor, pero me encanta la playa.
María: I’m already looking forward to summer! It’s hot, but I love the beach.

Carlos: A mí también me gusta el verano, pero prefiero el otoño porque no hace tanto calor.
Carlos: I like summer too, but I prefer autumn because it’s not so hot.

María: Cada estación tiene su encanto. Bueno, nos vemos en la reunión.
María: Every season has its charm. Well, see you at the meeting.


This lesson has expanded your vocabulary by introducing key Spanish phrases and Spanish words related to numbers, time, days, months, seasons, and weather. These foundational elements of the language are essential for daily communication, helping you understand and participate in conversations more effectively. Keep practicing these Spanish phrases, and you’ll be well on your way to fluency. See you in the next lesson!

Interested in Mastering Spanish Phrases?

If you’re serious about learning Spanish phrases and want a comprehensive, structured course that covers everything from the basics to advanced topics, click here to explore the full course. This course is designed to help you build a strong foundation in Spanish, with lessons that guide you step-by-step through essential Spanish phrases and more. Whether you’re a beginner or looking to refine your skills, this course has everything you need to become fluent in Spanish phrases. Don’t miss the opportunity to unlock your full potential in Spanish—click here to start your journey!

Plus, don’t forget to check out our YouTube channel, where you can learn with images and voice to reinforce your understanding. Click here to start your journey!


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Willaim Wright

Voluptas feugiat illo occaecat egestas modi tempora facilis, quisquam ultrices.

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